The Sunday Post // 21 August 2016

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s an opportunity to share news, recap the week, showcase books and things we have received, talk about what’s coming up next week, and anything else you’d like! In addition, I feature what I’m reading, playing, watching, and/or listening to, showcase new additions to my TBR shelf, and discuss any other general geekery that I want to share.


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Nothing like watching your husband and baby play together to give you the feels.

Huge news this week in the baby department: two-month-old Oliver is now picking up his toys (and proudly flailing them around, to my amusement), gently falling asleep without hours of colicky crying (I don’t even know what to do with myself anymore now that I’m not up till 2 am doing a million things to soothe him!), falling back to sleep after waking up before he’s ready (omg), not requiring me to hold him at all times and enjoying time in his Baby Bjorn bouncy chair instead (such a life-saver), having a ball practicing walking, and learning to crawl!! It’s almost unbelievable to me the advancements he’s made in just this past week alone. His sleep schedule has become predictable, he actually falls asleep when he’s tired now (with a little help, of course), he’s constantly happy, and he seems to feel confident that he’s safe here. It felt so strange on Tuesday when he let me cook and eat an entire meal while simply hanging out with his toys in his bouncy chair — it was the least needed I’ve felt since he was born. My little guy is already becoming so independent!

They tell you it’ll get easier, and they tell you you won’t believe them but that it really will get easier, but I didn’t believe them and now it’s gotten so much easier.

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